Event Creation
Learn how to create and modify calendar events
Calendar events have a lot of different features that can be utilized to improve chapter operations. Learn about the different fields that are used for creating & modifying events!
- Name (required): The name of your event.
- Timing (required): The start and end date/time of your event. If your event doesn't have a specific start/end time (only date), then you can click the "All Day" checkbox.
- Location
- Venue Name: The name of the venue.
- Venue Address: The address of the venue.
- Links: Any relevant links to the event. Each link must have a url and can optionally have a name. You can have a maximum of 10 links per event.
- Notifications: Any notifications that you would like members to receive for the event. You can include one notification per applicable type (event start, excuse deadline, or sign in opening).
- Event Start: Send a notification to all members with a status included in the event's visibility stating when the event will start. The notification can be sent at the start time or at designated times relative to the event start.
- Excuse Deadline: Send a notification to all members with a status included in the event's visibility stating when the excuse deadline will occur. The notification can be sent at designated times relative to the excuse deadline. Attendance must be enabled and excuses must be allowed for this notification to be added.
- Sign In Open: Send a notification to all members with a status included in the event's visibility (who have not already signed in / have an excuse approved) stating that sign in has opened. Can only be sent when the event's sign in has opened.
- Itinerary: Any plan timings you would like to include. These are shown by the order listed (clicking sort will put the itinerary items in chronological order). You can include up to 20 itinerary items per event.
- Visibility (required): The list of member statuses that can view the event. This field cannot change after the event has been created. Members with calendar admin permission can see all events, even if they are not in an included status.
- Description: And details of the event you would like to include.
- Cost: The cost associated with the event.
- Max Members: The maximum number of members that can rsvp for the event. If left blank, there is no maximum. The maximum does not include guests.
- Display Attendees: Who can see the list of rsvp'd members & guests (if applicable).
- Guests
- Min: The minimum number of guests each member can sign rsvp with.
- Max: The maximum number of guests each member can rsvp with.
- Fields: The information requested for each guest. Can include name, phone number, and/or email.
- Attendance
- Type: The manner in which members sign in to the event. Options are no password, password, admin, scan QR code, or pin. If admin is selected, chapter officers can manually sign in members. PIN is recommended in most circumstances, while the QR code and admin are the most secure.
- Open Sign In: Automatically open sign in at a specific time relative to the event starting. It is recommended to open the event sign in 5-10 minutes before the event starts in most circumstances.
- Excuses
- Allowed: Checkbox to turn on/off excuses.
- Deadline: The deadline for excuses, relative to the start time of the event. Chapter admins can always add a member's excuse after the deadline has passed.
- Points: The reward given to members for completing certain actions related to the event. Note that members will only see this if the chapter has the feature enabled and if the member has admin or supervisor permission to a specific points system.
- Action: An activity completed by the member. Options include being present/absent, being absent with(out) an excuse, having an approved excuse, or rsvp'ing to the event. Some options may not be usable depending on the event's setup.
- System: The points system that should be used to award points to the member. Example: a chapter merits system could be used to award points to members for attending chapter.
- Points: The amount of points that the member should be awarded for completing the action
- External Calendar Syncing: When checked, all members with a status included in the event's visibility will be able to see this event on their calendar (if they have Greek Connect's calendar synced). Recommended to be turned on only when all members with a status included in the event's visibility will be attending or should be informed about the event.
- Categories: List of categories (or tags) associated with the event. Chapter officers can add more categories by going to the Calendar Settings page.
Receiving an error when attempting to create your event? Try finding the error below and following the instructions.
- Member does not have permission to create an event: Confirm with a chapter officer that you have the proper permissions to create or modify the event.
- The event doesn't exist: Confirm that the event you are trying to modify still exists.
- Event name must be between 1 and 64 characters: The name of the event must be valid and cannot be blank or more than 64 characters.
- Event date must be a valid date: Double check that you included a start and end date, and that the start date/time is not after the end date/time.
- Event cannot be over a year into the past/future: Events that are too old or too far into the future cannot be created or modified.
- Event ID must be between 1 and 128 characters: Check that you are updating an event that exists.
- Event location must be up to 64 characters: The venue name you are using is too long in length.
- Event address must be up to 256 characters: The venue address you are providing is too long.
- Event description must be up to 1024 characters: The description you provided is too long. Try uploading it online and providing a link to the description instead.
- Sign In type is not valid: Ensure that you have attendance properly enabled / configured.
- RSVP is not valid: Ensure that you have rsvp properly enabled / configured.
- Categories must be an array of size 0-30: Ensure that you have selected a reasonable amount of categories (or tags) for the event.
- You cannot use an attendance/excuses/rsvp point action: Confirm that the action you are attempting to use has the associated feature turned on for this event. Example: if you are attempting to award points for member sign in, you must enable attendance for the event.
- All point triggers must be valid: confirm that you are including a point system, action, and that you are not trying to reward more than 1000 points for members completing an action.
- Member cannot add/delete/modify point triggers: Confirm that you are not attempting to add or remove point rewards for any point systems that you do not have proper permission.
- Point system does not exist: Double check the point system(s) you are attempting to use.
Events can be deleted by going to the event's page and clicking to go to the Edit Event page then . Note that deleting an event is permanent and cannot be undone, and the data is not recoverable.