
System Creation

Learn how to create new point systems

Point systems have a lot of different features that can be utilized to improve chapter operations.


  • Name (required): The name you want to use for your new points system, such as Service Hours.
  • Membership (required)
    • Automatic: Specify who is in the points system based on member statuses. Members with a status not included in this list won't be able to view the points system or participate in earning points.
    • Custom: Specify who is in the points system by manually selecting members. Members not included in this list won't be able to view the points system or participate in earning points. Admins and supervisors are still able to view but do not participate in earning points if not listed.
  • Type (required)
    • Goal: Members will try to reach a goal number of points. This is recommended for cases where chapters have a set amount of points that each member will need to earn. If selected, you shall then enter the number of points that members are trying to reach.
    • Maximum: Members will try to earn as many points as possible. This is recommended for cases where not all members need to earn the same amount of points.
  • Show Rankings (required)
    • Only to admins: Each member will be able to view how many points they have earned, but only chapter officers will be able to view how many points other members have earned.
    • Personal: Each member will be able to view how many points they have earned, and will also be able to see their placing in the chapter (ie the person who has earned the most points will see that they are 1st). Only chapter officers will be able to view how many points other members have earned.
    • Everyone: Each member will be able to view how many points they have earned, and how many points every other member has earned.
  • Allow Point Requests: When checked, members will be able to submit custom point requests with a title, description, point value, date, and photo. This is useful for when members can earn points on their own.
  • Location Tracking: Members can automatically earn points for being in designated locations. For more information, see Location Tracking Documentation.
  • Links: Provide any links you may have for by-laws or other instructions regarding earning points (if applicable).
  • Description: Provide any details that you may have about your points system. This is a great location to explain what the value of each point is (such as 1 hour of volunteer time = 10 points).
  • Supervisors: Provide any members with points create permissions who you want to be allowed to award points based on calendar events or custom requests.


Receiving an error when attempting to create your points system? Try finding the error below for instructions.

  • Points type must be a valid number: You must select a point system type of goal or completion.
  • Goal must be a valid number between 1 and 10,000: Your goal for your points system must be a valid positive integer and cannot be over 10,000.
  • Tracking locations must be a valid list of 0-9 locations: Please make sure that you do not have more than 9 locations set for location tracking.
  • Location names cannot be empty and cannot be more than 128 characters: Each location must have a name (that you set via the Search field) with a maximum of 128 characters.
  • Locations must have a valid coordinate: You must have all location pins set on a valid location on their respective map.
  • Locations must have a valid radius of 50 feet to 5 miles: Each location cannot have a radius smaller than 50 feet or larger than 5 miles.
  • Locations must have a valid point reward & length: You cannot set the points value of your location tracking to be 10,000 or more points and cannot have a timeframe of 10,000 or larger.
  • Locations must have a valid length unit: You must select minutes or hours for every point value.
  • Links must be an array of size 0-10: You cannot have more than 10 links.
  • A link is not valid: Each link you provide must have a name and url.
  • Link names and URLs must be valid: Each link must have a name of no more than 64 characters and URL no more than 512 characters.
  • Author name is invalid: Your system must have a valid author name.
  • The member doesn't have permission to create/update point systems: You must have proper permission to update the points system.
  • The points system doesn't exist: Make sure that the points system you are updating still exists.
  • Chapter has reached limit of 20 point systems: Your chapter cannot have more than 20 point systems.


Point systems can be deleted by going to the system's page and clicking to go to the Edit Points page then clicking . Note that deleting a points system is permanent and cannot be undone, and the data is not recoverable.