Officer Guides

New Member Education

Provide educational resources and improve new member onboarding

As a new member education chair, your role is vital in providing a positive and engaging experience for new members. Greek Connect offers a range of features that can help you achieve your goals.

Organized Educational Resources

Greek Connect allows you to create a centralized resource library where you can upload and organize important educational materials. You can include resources such as the chapter's constitution, bylaws, new member manuals, educational presentations, and other relevant materials. This ensures that new members have easy access to all the information they need to succeed.

Improved Onboarding

With Greek Connect, you can create a structured onboarding process for new members. Use the platform's task management feature to create a checklist of activities and educational modules that new members need to complete. Assign deadlines and track their progress to ensure they are engaged and progressing through the program.

Centralized Communication

Greek Connect's messaging feature allows you to communicate directly with new members, providing important updates, reminders, and educational content. You can also create group chats or discussion forums specifically for new members to foster communication, collaboration, and a sense of belonging within the chapter.


By utilizing Greek Connect's features, you can provide a comprehensive and engaging educational experience for new members, improve their onboarding process, and ultimately lower disaffiliation rates.

Remember, effective communication, centralized resources, and structured engagement are key to fostering a strong sense of community and commitment among new members.