Officer Guides


Inform members about relevant payment information and automate event cost tracking

As a treasurer, you have the important responsibility of managing your chapter's finances. Greek Connect can help simplify this process by providing a centralized platform for all payment-related information.

Payment Transparency

Members want to know when upcoming payments are due and any details that are relevant to the payment. You can utilize messages and calendar events to properly inform members of when payments are due. You can learn how to create calendar events here and how to send messages here.

Event Cost Tracking

Knowing who to charge for an event can be a difficult task. Thankfully, Greek Connect allows you to easily download the attendance or RSVPs for events, so you know how to charge. You can learn how to export event attendance here.

Fine Tracking

If your chapter applies fines for members who do not attend required events, you can create a point system to track these fines. You can also apply fines based on an excuse being approved or denied. You can learn more about point system creation here.


In summary, as a treasurer, Greek Connect can help you manage your chapter's finances and provide transparency to your members. By using the platform to inform members about relevant payment information, automate event cost tracking, and easily manage your chapter's finances, you can save time and ensure that your chapter's finances are in order.